Saturday, March 10, 2007

How Do You Know If A Scorpio Female Likes You

Presentation of Post-Theory wrote excrement failure

An illuminating suggestion of the eminent philologist Charles Chiapponi throws a whole new light on the hidden wealth in the language, the wealth that goes unnoticed because most of the time unconscious of the use we make of it. It appears that the theory is not excrement left a trace in the successive transformations of Latin-Italic, track removed but not completely eliminated by the progress of civilization igienofori. In fact, if you look closely at the composition of the word "culture", you will understand that culture is peculiarly and essentially "what the cul ture", ie the psychological impulse to believe the stimulation primary organic, and, together, the first swinging rhythmic spasmodic contraction of the buttocks and anal muscles, which allows you to keep the body level of the stimulus itself, ie "culture" man.


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