Friday, March 16, 2007

Creamy Lotion Like Cm Before Period

That evening, the sun looked like a yellow beacon pointing from the sky.
was walking through the leaves dry home. A few minutes earlier, still on the sidewalk, I saw the western horizon salmoneggiare. Suddenly I realized, I turned and saw the light of a powerful beacon in the shelter of a house looked better and I knew it was the sun peeking out from a door that opened into a layer of gray clouds clear. It was yellow like a canary, but so glaring that it seems the blinding glare of the sun on a mirror ... and below it, in the swelling of the clouds, lay the striped yellow-orange and salmon typical sunset. But
him, almost too easy to deride a sublime, if it was left lying higher, gold head of a child on a soft pillow of clouds.


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