Thursday, March 29, 2007

How Much Does A Drink Cost On A Princess

go! Why


The course starts in the first week of May, but first we set a date (April 23 16-hours for the classroom Keep an eye on the site-) to publicize and explain the purposes and methods of the course.

This will also be the date of closing of entries ... case then of course we will evaluate any requests tardy.

very important, as 23 times and also decide which days will be held on the course, so try to come with the agenda already in hand to make sure all your unavoidable commitments. We will try to accommodate everyone's needs, but can not work miracles, in the end will come out a program of compromise.

Then start the course proper.

I recommend you try to be sure and let us know who'll be there ... who just could not come at least try to send us a reminder to those who are his weekly commitments in order to take into account their needs


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Digital Playground Stream Flash

Capriccio poet

Like a thousand grains of sand from the beaches pluck
Words of Love
and I'll blow against rabies
with the first puff of my windy mood.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Creamy Lotion Like Cm Before Period

That evening, the sun looked like a yellow beacon pointing from the sky.
was walking through the leaves dry home. A few minutes earlier, still on the sidewalk, I saw the western horizon salmoneggiare. Suddenly I realized, I turned and saw the light of a powerful beacon in the shelter of a house looked better and I knew it was the sun peeking out from a door that opened into a layer of gray clouds clear. It was yellow like a canary, but so glaring that it seems the blinding glare of the sun on a mirror ... and below it, in the swelling of the clouds, lay the striped yellow-orange and salmon typical sunset. But
him, almost too easy to deride a sublime, if it was left lying higher, gold head of a child on a soft pillow of clouds.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

What Type Of Alcohol Can You Put In A Camelbak

Panbesulio Sunset in December and the man in the theater on the heart

Today, when Henry led me to make a daily stroll, I saw a gentleman who had a small theater attached to the neck. I understood from curtains which covered the scene, and moved a bit 'because the man walked. Then I tried to look through the curtains, but I could not see anything - for a nap.
But that really has a big heart, sir! I am quite sure that he goes around like this, with that little theater on the neck, because he really wants to donate a little 'heart to the people - to make her happy, then, how I would correct Henry. Only that since his heart true mica can give, then decided to offer at least a show that puts in a good mood, and right next to stage.
Yes, this explanation satisfies me right. Too bad that Henry can never understand: this time he smiled at my observation, as if he were ever to be right just because he is bigger. He continued to tease me for a while '. If you laughed at me and say: "But you say, Panbesulio! It was only the gold stripes of a scarf. " Then another burst into laughter.
To me, he can say whatever he wants Henry, so I remain in my mind: they lack the eyes to the heart that guy!

Kimberly Hultin Amidei

Epigram (from the Palatine Anthology Brand New)

When the round Lea tired languishes
It seems nearly extinguished his passion
"I'll be your fire" ring a mo 'Wake up and pray:
"Lift me up like a balloon with pleasure!"

How Much Does A Small Gym Make In Sales?

"Speaking of words is a little' how to draw an ice cream cone as using the
brush "(Francesco Conte?)

paint for you the stars
using canvas as the sky will be our kisses brushes

'll take the color from your eyes

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Imbiblical Cord Hernia

Panbesulio blandishments of love and Luna Rossa

Saturday evening Henry brought me out with him. "You're getting big, Panbesulio!" He said, "from now on you can sometimes go out with me in the evening." We went on the Po, in a place full of local call "Murazzi.
I was happy to go out, but Henry was standing all the time Gurd girls who passed, then for not being bored I decided to have a chat with the Moon. I had not ever done! As soon as I looked, it became all red! I told her that she should not be shy, but she has retorts:
"I'm not shy, Panbesulio dear, it's just that I'm so scared. Can not you see the Night I want to eat? Watch, has already given me a bit, and now I'm bleeding all over. "
crying, poor thing, she was afraid for real. It was not red enough, she had become too pale pale.
"But do not worry, Luna!" I told her to calm her: "It is an eclipse that made you change your color. They also said the news was happening! But do not worry, you do not think that the night you wish to eat. " But she
even more agitated: "So why do so? That disease is the eclipse? Tell me, Panbesulio, I have some hope for a cure? "
" Yes, yes! Scientists say that the eclipse are the Sun and the Earth that they will agree to let a little 'shadow. But it's just a joke: they wanted to see what happens. And you're right in the waterfall! "A
Then the Moon was redder than ever. But after a while 'has calmed down, and slowly began to return to light, a first slice, then fourth, then middle and finally a nice round yellow full moon! Yes, I really liked so clear and smiling. But I know that, inside, was still quite red for having done so fooled by the trick!

Symptoms Stomach Ache, Peeing A Lot, Tired


Between the pages of this blog too often ironic, I thought it important to reserve a space for thoughts and stories of my little friend Panbesulio.
few of you, I believe, I know, although in recent months has been the most faithful companion of my long, solitary walks. I will try then to present it.
Panbesulio is a dog, or maybe a bug, or maybe just a child. When I spoke some French friends for the first time, I described him as a monster of nature. "You a insettuccio, I was told that he needs to make love all day, frantically, on the whole: females on the first of its kind or any object that happens to throw, it makes no difference to him." But when I met him when I was traveling to Barcelona with Maria, I discovered that the reality was very different from the legend that was spreading. Only to hear him speak, still ringing in his way accompanied by many small things, I was struck the tenderness of his person, from the uncommon sensitivity to the sun hidden behind that mask of joy and unbridled sensuality - in fact a boyish enthusiasm for everything that happens under his senses - he was forced to wear by the capricious taste of his supposed friends since then, the taste you can make fun of him in his faults, which would otherwise become aware, and feel ashamed.
Moved by the precarious conditions in which it was when I met him, I decided to adopt it. Thus, by the end of last summer, since my return from Athens, Panbesulio lives with me. Every day my company holds hours of walking, walking together, sometimes speak, making a few jokes and commentary on the people passing on the things that happen around us, on the streets, on houses, on the written submissions in which we encounter, and above all the treasures of nature that both admire, more often, but and despite its extreme liveliness hyperkinetic, taciamo: we limit ourselves to contemplate, and to preserve the beautiful images in his heart. In the evening, then, we exchange each other's impressions of what led us to dream, or meditate. His observations, seemingly innocent, never cease to amaze me, and giggle a skeptic who regularly nourish you draw on my face as soon as Panbesulio begins to speak, lie invariably ends up in a radiant smile of grateful consideration.
But my gratitude for the entry of this wonderful to be in my life has reached the point of maximum joy a few days ago. It was morning, and I was exceptionally woke before noon; Panbesulio, however, continued to sleep, hopefully abandoned the warmth of his bunk with his little mouth wide open. For some time I'm watching him breathe so tender and helpless, when my attention was drawn to a paper that had left the night before on the table, along with colored pencils, I initially believed it concerned one of those weird designs that both likes to do, but then I recognized a poem. By reading it, I moved. Why I never thought that behind the overwhelming and cheerful playfulness of his nature, one could hide a soul to which Fate has set aside the sadness. From that day the little Panbesulio feel closer than ever. But here's the poem:

My heart is a stone, black, round, smooth, on which raindrops fall - the wink of life. Fall, but the stone is cold and can not retain them. And every drop slides along the surface, slowly, slowly, slide and then get lost, like a tear. Over time, however, a small basin was excavated at the point where, drop by drop, knock life. And on the hollow has formed a small reflecting pool. So now, if you look at my stone from above, one can distinguish one eye, who quietly contemplates changing the performance that the world has to offer. And occasionally, his eyes moved and grateful, wistful leaked a tear.

Ps.: Some may wonder what right post on my blog pages of the diary of my young friend. The truth is that I could not do otherwise. So great is the friendship that has bound us in the months ultmi that, omitting his anecdotes and observations, I seem to miss something that is now also part of me. And it's the same Panbesulio that he asked me. In recent days, only repeats with exasperating insistence: "When I do the blog? When did I do the blog? ". At first he wanted to put up a blog of his own, but I was adamant: I said that is too small, and that for some years do not talk. I'm too apprehensive? I do not know. But I would like to avoid that his heart could easily fall into traps of bad people lurking on the network. Prudence on the Internet is never enough.
hug you all, Henry

Saturday, March 10, 2007

How Do You Know If A Scorpio Female Likes You

Presentation of Post-Theory wrote excrement failure

An illuminating suggestion of the eminent philologist Charles Chiapponi throws a whole new light on the hidden wealth in the language, the wealth that goes unnoticed because most of the time unconscious of the use we make of it. It appears that the theory is not excrement left a trace in the successive transformations of Latin-Italic, track removed but not completely eliminated by the progress of civilization igienofori. In fact, if you look closely at the composition of the word "culture", you will understand that culture is peculiarly and essentially "what the cul ture", ie the psychological impulse to believe the stimulation primary organic, and, together, the first swinging rhythmic spasmodic contraction of the buttocks and anal muscles, which allows you to keep the body level of the stimulus itself, ie "culture" man.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

How Many Points In Homemade Soup

Review article "Shit as anthropogenic element" of Professor Yannis Skatologos

Civilization was born from the shame of the hominids to show themselves to be the shit. This is the revolutionary thesis recently presented by Professor Skatologos Institute of Anthropological Research in Athens. Shit in his article as anthropogenic element, which appeared in the February issue of the journal Homo humus, the famous greek scientist has in fact established a link between the emergence, in the first anthropomorphic beings, of an elementary form of shame and inhibition, and appearing forms of rituals such as dance. According to the hypothesis of Skatologos, an early hominid, probably female, would one day felt the urge to go all natural body, contrary to what happened up until then, tried but also an impulse (a psychic) \u200b\u200bto hide the same stimulus to his fellow men, in a gesture of primordial facial redness that appears to be hairy at the base of shame. According to the theory itself (so called "non-theory excrement"), to hold back and hide the inner tension, the hominid was not going to have to do without struggle and, unable to contain himself, to begin to move to the same time and convulsive rhythm, rhythmic steps and almost feverish. So it was that first appeared a sketch of ritual, which is characterized by cyclical and self-repetitions of the same gestures and movements, accompanied by inhuman faces (which would also explain the source the cult of the masks), and in breaking with the trend in the whole animal to react instinctively to the stimuli of the body.
as it may seem very strange, if not fanciful, theory of Professor Skatologos has the merit of establishing for the first time a link between: 1) the emergence of forms of inhibition, and 2) the establishment of ritual practices and 3) costumes. All elements, these, that distinguish the human being as a bearer of culture from other animals. Until now it was not yet identified any protoculturale phenomenon that was detectable with a lot of evidence that three internal structure. So, thanks to the insights contained in this study, we can now completely legitimately and shamelessly say that, although the theory of Professor Skatologos excrement failure may give rise to doubts and misgivings on the historical merits of the plan and its provability, it nevertheless represents a clear sign of human passage of Culture, and his triumphant entered into history.

Replace Liberty Struts

The mediator liberal

bitter reflection on the deplorable lack of rationalization of the system-current charity. (Excerpt of a letter)

"I think, with the aim of acting in concrete, it would be useful to open a service of public relations among the wives of wealthy businessmen, the homeless and porches of stations, institutions and forces of ' order. Just The other day my aunt (the wife of the bank manager) complained about not being able to deliver to the double-breasted jackets clochards barely used by the husband. Proudly not accept them, annoying, perhaps in fear of receiving charity in the case were too well dressed, or, to be stopped by any police officer became suspicious about the origin of their luxury homes. Personally, I think it would have been difficult even to sell them. Another demonstration of injustice and inequality inherent in the current system, which prevents the full development of the principle of free enterprise and speculation to a large proportion of society (all mixing in a series of prejudices moral and honor it is unknown how weak ideologues deliberately neglected by the demo-economic: for example, as the aunt in question would react if he knew that his gift has been recycled for profit?). The role of the mediator liberal way would be to ensure full integration into the trading system to no-fixed-abode: acting as a guarantor in trade between average and wealthy benefactors and persons in question by means - whenever necessary - work pressure on the political class, which would recognize the dignity of a virtuous economic exchange (presented for the protection of a regular contract) the relationship between acceptance of the charity on the one hand, and the satisfaction of good other feelings - report foolishly neglected by current administrators of the system (which, on closer, highlights the deplorable state of backwardness of the rationalization of the relationships between individuals in our society). "

Red Velvet Cake Duncan Hines

Metamorphosis of a road cloud (sky of Torino, 03/02/2007)

There was a scarf trine in the sky and rainbow pearl
That plan stretched out into two legs
Rosa on gray
a sleeping little body.
Dying of the day you went away ...
In Blue-gray powder decomposed
the wind.

Bean Exercise Equipment

two white butterflies flying in pairs
and beat their wings in unison: the petals are
a flower on the wind

Ridgeway By Kelty -tundramoab

the sky was supported by armor
a bra plus
and Breast-Moon God
sucking sour milk Universe ejaculate

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Sunbeds And Pityriasis Rosea

Since 2001, in Florence, was founded on the degree course in Journalism and Media within the Faculty of Political Science in Florence, together with courses in Communication Media and Music and Entertainment the Faculty of Arts, aims to provide the necessary theoretical skills that relate to all professions, journalism, television and cinema.

During the years of study in universities, also through the efforts of representation in open lists ( there has been evident a strong gap in teaching the practical application of knowledge that students acquire.

On this issue, was born journalist competition "Lettera22"
(, with whom we have offered students the opportunity to participants to submit their articles with some local newspapers in grabs the possibility of internships in the newsroom.

E 'was a clear need to learn in the university has the knowledge, at least basic, necessary for recovery and editing video and multimedia content especially looking at a world in which print journalists is increasingly disappearing, giving way to television journalism and on-line.


Giulio Gotti

Kurt Angle's Wrestling Outfit

University Multimedia Laboratory Multimedia Laboratory University

The Multimedia Lab is for self-respect of the organization but it is clear that we have addressed technical professionals for the course.
are still welcome to all students who already possess the skills to do so.

Until March 12 we will essentially collect the registration initiative. To enroll you can call the numbers written on the flyers leaflets (see above) or write to the mailbox . Based on the number of members and interest that gives rise to the initiative among the students understand how to manage all the resources on attrezzature.E 'very welcome any suggestions and staff will evaluate any proposal together.

Limberjack Dancing Doll Plans

policy born of love for the place where you live!

Our candidates for the Board of Faculty of Political Science

list No. 2 Eureka! Open List

initiatives Eureka! List Open to Political Science