Despite nearly three years since the delirium of this blog has opened my eyes on too crowded universe of network, I realized that the undersigned has never taken an official position on ... well ... nothing really.
sure this is not to change the good traditions, made mostly of harrowing monologues incomprehensible to the people, but here is that once in a while I would like to clarify a controversial character now defined my existence. Being
medical student son of doctors, is not an enviable thing. Being a medical student and son of doctors do not recommend is something quite annoying. We explore together the earlier rulings: 1 that at the table ever since I can remember none of them is that patients and other symptoms, clinical signs, memories and university training courses, I must say that has left a bitter taste in the mouth for every bite that came later ... especially when you find yourself chewing on the same boring phrases. 2 that there is never a mother, who runs away from the table to the first call, without rest, a cross between home and family and patient, especially without grandparents or relatives who can help, as well as a father you see sometimes in the morning if you get up early and then hang it at home after 9 at night too tired even to answer your infamy, you are slowly developing a total repudiation of that wonderful medical science that are more set on fire among the students of your course - willing to sacrifice diopters for one year and that right (for them) is a great passion. Being the son of three people who have already done the usual path that you take, brings troubling questions about whether your choice was not merely a convenience, a way to let someone else deal with - as the fate or down from there - the problem of what to do your twenty or thirty years ahead. Not to mention the risk of falling in parental relation unwise and unsustainable. 4 Given that the reason 90% of your problems baby / boy / boy / young man, involving blood, mainly old and sick, have developed quite a nuisance, who knows so much visceral hatred towards the above three things.
So the question arises: but why - fucking cazzu cazzu cazzu iu iu iu - you choose to study medicine? (Do not worry, I will be brief and concise, although not actually know the answer.) The truth is that I have not chosen , I just did a test and I came in, then I went forward, as it brings a Cross, now heavier, now lighter ... but still living it as a burden: my weight to endure, to expiate the sin and then do everything else, what is mine, that is my life and my fun ... But the real question is not why I did it, is that I chose to continue, and this because I know people really nice, bright, of which there is some for the first time in 20 years made me feel out of this world ... It 's a good reason for at least six years of mess study? Well for now I do.
There is another issue, far more long-standing, on which I want to take an official position: the nerdismo. I'm not a nerd nor a geek, nor chissacchè of bizarre ... I must say that I discovered that this thing has burned over the years much more than many other offenses, the famous infamone against my mother that I made a split eardrum like an idiot. In my heart I have always known, but until you are there to see him in the eyes of people who look at you and say "but what has this idiot here, but who the fuck says that he studied medicine?" or "Come on, tell it that you do the dams!" or "but you seem to make Thee simulate orgasms every street corner ??"... do not know how sweet the taste of recognition of the merits: they are a jerk, and choice.
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