Sunday, July 19, 2009

Imagenes De Alguien Con Cancer

Vieste rescued, or rather not. The absurd pending fished

VIESTE : All true .. Atletico Vieste all morning on Thursday was among the teams in the group fished for Excellence ... ironic then that official statement: "The Board of Directors Regional Committee of the NLD Puglia, at its meeting on July 14, 2009, noted that not all companies eligible to participate in the Championships and Promotion of Excellence, season 2009-2010, took steps to formalize their membership under the terms of the official release No. 76, 16/6/2009, in order to protect the sporting heritage of the Committee represented primarily by the Companies affiliates, given the particular time that recession is going through the country and has also undoubtedly affected the sports world, considering also the great objective difficulties faced by the Company in obtaining economic resources and in preparing the necessary documentation for registration, and considered Finally, the precarious situation of sports regional affects not just the entire athletic activities and organization of the Company, unanimously voted to grant an extension of up to 12.00 TUESDAY 'July 21, 2009 for settlement of Applications for membership of the Company who have not yet done. "
Una decisione "politica" del Presidente Vito TISCI che non ha avuto il coraggio di rimpiazzare le squadre che non si sono iscritte ai vari campionati, una decisione non condivisa dalla Società Atletico Vieste che spera comunque nel ripescaggio.Per ora resta in piedi l'ipotesi che delle 18 squadre aventi diritto a partecipare al campionato d'Eccellenza Pugliese alcune non hanno inviato per tempo la propria iscrizione e forse non lo faranno nemmeno per il prossimo 21 luglio, termine entro il quale si saprà qualcosa in più sul possibile ripescaggio del Grottaglie. Ora non ci resta che aspettare e fare un bel sogno proibito..sveglia alle ore 17:00 del 21 Luglio!
M. Mascia
LA REDAZIONE: T utto è legato the fate of Grottaglie. In fact, if the Grottaglie were readmitted to Serie D will Manduria to take its place in Excellence, while the rise in the Promotion Libertas Palese. Excellence in the league all teams are entered in less than waivers improbable as it did last year with the Champions Putignano. Promotion were not recorded in 5 different formations including Santeramo in the last hours should have dissolved all doubts public.


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