Attorney Maria Vittoria CERAMI
CERAMI The lawyer dealing with civil, labor, administrative DIRITO civil and juvenile .
AVAILABILITY 'domicile AT THE BAR PALERMO , sec. Separate and the Termini Imerese CEFALU '
Addresses: Via Vincenzo Di
Mark 8 - 90143 Palermo
fixed and fax: 091.342317
email: mar.vina @
CERAMI The lawyer dealing with civil, labor, administrative DIRITO civil and juvenile .
AVAILABILITY 'domicile AT THE BAR PALERMO , sec. Separate and the Termini Imerese CEFALU '
Addresses: Via Vincenzo Di
Mark 8 - 90143 Palermo
fixed and fax: 091.342317
email: mar.vina @
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